Chapter 22

Sharing With Teams

The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to
me, never say "I." And that's not because they
have trained themselves not to say "I.” They don't
think “I.” They think “we”; they think “team.” They
understand their job to be to make the team function.
They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep it, but
“we” gets the credit...This is what creates trust, what
enables you to get the task done.

Peter Drucker

As technology and economic progress advance and the world shrinks into a global village, people become the most critical resource for competitive advantage. It becomes important therefore that you recognize that employees have increasing choices and move towards more equal relationships.

As team members have more choices the sense of organizational loyalty tends to diminish.

Hence it is becoming even more important for organizations to ensure shared vision, common goals, job enrichment, attractive compensation and perks, freedom and flexibility at work and provide for the holistic needs of employees.The days of the driver, autocratic, top down approach to managing are over.

In today’s world where opportunities abound and people seek more fulfilment in their professional lives, it is important for you as a leader to be a facilitator.

Professionals thrive most when they are given a set of objectives, provided resources and within a time frame are expected to deliver results. They are given the freedom and flexibility to operate their own ways, without too much interference from the boss. Hence your focus as the boss should be to create the right environment, provide the resources and let the teams deliver the pre-determined results.

You should establish an environment of trust and openness and share and discuss all important matters with your team--boss, colleagues, juniors. This results in better understanding, motivation and hence results.

However, you also need to become aware of the potentially diminishing commitment, sincerity, and integrity of team members in view of the high attrition, hence you need to have appropriate systems of accountability, controls and checks.

Team work,
