Chapter 24


Habits are safer than rules; you don’t have to watch
them, and you don’t have to keep them either.
They keep you.

John Dryer

Most humans are similarly endowed. The major difference is people’s habits.

Most of your day to day activities are performed almost involuntarily as a result of your habits developed from birth onwards. Small daily choices that have been slowly accumulating without you noticing them gradually grow into habits, which may be good habits or bad. “Habits make a man – or woman”, goes an old saying.

One of the greatest challenges that people face in their quest for success, is their inability to change negative habits and adopt new ones that may be necessary to attain the fulfilment of their dreams and desires.

Being aware of the habit, especially an undesirable one, is the first step to changing habits.

You need to set a goal of the habit you need to change and work actively at it and track one’s progress.

To acquire an education, attain proficiency in a sport or hobby, be successful at work, and even to develop successful relationships with spouse, family or friends, you need the effort of good habits.

All successful people put in the effort and discipline to do what it takes, to get what they want in life.

Many topics in this book, on self development, positive thinking, being a learner, targets, time management, etc. need the effort and discipline to develop the right habits.

You should, based on a self analysis of your habits, decide on what you want to change. These could be procrastination, compulsive eating, short temper, odd mannerism, smoking, chewing tobacco, shyness etc.

Habits are acquired over a long period of time. You need to realise that it you may need prolonged effort to change a habit. You will experience a be a great sense of victory and joy when you succeed in making the change over.

Changing negative habits

and acquiring positive

ones is not easy, but has

many long term benefits.